Wellness Rituals From the Comfort of Your Home – What’s the Point?

During the first lockdown I was unable to see my acupuncturist, so decided to invest in a Shakti mat. I purchased the mat from Shakti as I was impressed by their ethos and commitment to empowering an all-female team in India.
So what is the purpose and point (pun very much intended) of this peculiar looking mat?
Think of lying on a bed of nails….. no no I am not crazy. The Shakti mat is like having your own personal acupressure therapist. Like most people I suffer with some back issues or at times my anxiety/stress levels are higher than normal. Lying on the mat increases the blood circulation in the area which aids in muscle relaxation and an overall zened out feeling. My favourite ritual is to pop on a podcast, lay on the mat and snuggle under a weighted blanket and float off. I have been known to snooze for an hour or more on the mat!
I am also a fan of just standing on my Shakti. Think of your own little reflexology session, it is hitting all of those meridians/pressure points and therefore able to treat distal issues such as headaches or neck and shoulder issues.

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